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Think & Link: Mark Ritson

Source: Think & Link: Mark Ritson How to start with a brand? [27:04] QUESTION: There are big brands, big budgets, I’m a startup or a marketer for a startup, who don’t have the access to those resources, certainly early in the lifetime, and they rely on building communities organically, rather than through paid media. Is there a different approach for startups you could share...

4 Steps to Creating a Rock-Solid Marketing Strategy With Mark Ritson

Source: 4 Steps to Creating a Rock-Solid Marketing Strategy With Mark Ritson The biggest mistakes marketers make nowadays [1:50] Yeah, I think there’s a few, Louis. I think the biggest one is the complete absence of strategy. And that perhaps is the one that I think is most haunting. Then lead to that is an obsession with new, completely irrelevant technology which gets in the way of a...

Mark Ritson: How to Grow a Company From Nothing

Transcript of Louis Grenier’s Everyone Hates Marketers podcast episode Source: Mark Ritson: How to Grow a Company from Nothing Themes Big brands have an 18x multiplier on each dollar they spend on brand buildingApplying principles learned from big brands, long and short, being already knownBig moment: finding out what no one else can do, differentiationBig moment: striking a deal with...

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