Sum it up for me

Sum it up for me

A blog intended to sum up somewhat complicated psychological concepts from the realm of Jungian psychology.


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Aion – Class 1 by Edward Edinger

Introductory remarks concerning how to read Jung's later works and about the title Aion. The title is more complicated then it looks and we'll go into that matter.

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 10 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of New Jerusalem What it means for modern people to be living in an apocalyptic age Final remarks Introduction This is class number 10 on the apocalypse archetype, our final session, and the assigned material is chapters 21 and 22. The image of New Jerusalem As you noticed if you read it, the Book of Revelation ends in a grand finale, with a grand mandala...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 9 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of the last judgement Q&A Introduction This is class number 9 on the apocalypse archetype and the material assigned are chapters 19 and 20, but I’m going to spend practically all of my time on one image which comes up in chapter 20 starting with verse 11. The image of the last judgement "20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and the One who was...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 8 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of a woman riding a scarlet beast The case history of Vernon Wayne Howell Q&A Introduction This is class number 8 on the apocalypse archetype and our assigned subject matter is chapter 17 and 18. We have essentially only one image this time, so I’m not packing any great deal of material into tonight’s presentation. It will be a little...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 7 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of the eternal gospel aka the Good News of eternity The image of the first-fruits The image of “the smoke of their torture will go up for ever and ever” The image of harvest The image of golden bowls filled with the anger of God The image of a frog Q&A Introduction … and our subject matter is chapters 14, 15 and 16. Before I get into it, I...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 6 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of measuring out a temple The image of a woman, adorned with the sun, standing on the moon The image of war in Heaven and the casting of Satan out of Heaven The image of the beast from the sea and the beast from the ground The image of the number of the Beast Q&A Introduction This is class number 6 on the apocalypse archetype and we’ll be...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 5 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The image of incense The image of “the angel throwing down the fire from the altar to the Earth” The image of the destruction of 1/3 of the Earth’s major aspects The image of the abyss The image of the locusts The image of eating the scroll Introduction This is class number 5 on the apocalypse archetype and the material we’re covering tonight...

Archetype of the Apocalypse – Class 4 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction The symbolism of the number 7 The image of the colored horses The image of “be patient a little longer, until the roll was complete” The image of “you pass sentence and take vengeance for our death” The image of “the stars of the sky fell” The image of “put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God” The...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 3 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents Introduction Left-over from the class 2 The image of “standing at the door, knocking” The image of a thief The image of the key The image of the rapture The image of the heavenly throne The image of the sea of glass/crystal The image of the 4 animals The image of the Lamb The image of the eye(s) of God The image of sacrifice Introduction This is class number 3 of the...

Apocalypse Archetype – Class 2 by Edward Edinger

Table of Contents The image of the island of Patmos The image of the voice from behind Visions vs active imagination The image of the lamp-stand The image of the Son of Man The image of brilliant light The image of sword and mouth The image of the seven stars The image of the seven letters The image of the crown of life The image of the hidden manna The image of the white stone The image of the...

Sum it up for me

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