Sum it up for me

CategoryJungian Psychology


Here you’ll find mostly the transcripts of Edward Edinger’s lectures and seminars and some of my posts about certain aspects of Jungian Psychology.

The Ego

Table of Contents The “definition” of the Ego The discovery of the Ego in western thought Descartes’ discovery of the Ego Schopenhauer’s discovery of the Ego The re-discovery of the Ego in the childhood The problem of free will The Reciprocality Principle The Jungian understanding of groups and group psychology The ideal psychological group The toxic psychological group...

Jungian Archetypes

The origin of the word “archetype” It comes from the Greek αρχέτυπος (Traditional Latin transliteration: “archetypos”) through its Latin version archetypum to its current English form archetype. It is a concatenation of two words: ἀρχή (“arche”): first, originτύπος (“typos”): sort, type, press The Greek word τύπος (typos) has an interesting meaning...

Sir Alfred J. Ayer’s near-death experience from Aion – 24 by Edward Edinger

So, starting with number one, the postscript to the spacetime quaternio. You remember in the assignment for last week Jung spoke about the spacetime quaternio in 2 different ways. In the one way the 3 dimensions of space would make up 3 of the categories and time would be 4th category.In the other way of looking at it is that time has 3 aspects: past, present and future; and the 4th entity that...

Aion – Class 3 by Edward Edinger

This is class number 3 and our assignment tonight is paragraphs 20 to 42, the chapter entitled "The Syzygy". Last time you remember we discussed the Ego and we had left over the short chapter on the Shadow, so I'm gonna start with that this evening.

Aion – Class 1 by Edward Edinger

Introductory remarks concerning how to read Jung's later works and about the title Aion. The title is more complicated then it looks and we'll go into that matter.

Sum it up for me

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